Reducing Agent (Antioxidant)


Reducing agent (antioxidant) used by adding a small amount to tap or well water. It works by reducing the oxygen and chlorine content that can contribute towards oxidization to produce inexpensive, high-quality water with reducing power.



"Giving MyNIC®-S to Egg-laying Hens"

By adding just a small amount of MyNIC®-S to the drinking water of hens, they produce eggs with a more balanced nutritional content. This simple and easy method was proven to be highly effective.
Read the report here

Foliar Spray

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries registration
Liquid Compound Fertilizer

A foliar spray expected to have unprecedented and surprising effects in passing minerals through the cell membrane.


Ion Cleaner

A unique cleaner combining cationic surfactants as well as Ca ions.


Restoration Agent for Salt-Damaged Soil

Properties in Ca ions can be used to restore salt-damaged soil.


私たちは、独自の研究の成果で、農業の現場の課題を解決し、市場に安全と安心をもたらします。 About Olive Giken Ltd.

"Taking a Close Look at the Environment"

For the MyNIC® series we developed the cornerstone
for a stable manufacturing process of Ca ions,
which play an important role as an antioxidant, finding solutions for on-site issues,
and allowing for a safe and secure marketplace.

MyNIC®-S, able to instantly reduce chlorine content, was created.


Reducing Agent (Antioxidant)


Reducing agent (antioxidant) used by adding a small amount to tap or well water. It works by reducing the oxygen and chlorine content that can contribute towards oxidization to produce inexpensive, high-quality water with reducing power.



"Giving MyNIC®-S to Egg-laying Hens"

By adding just a small amount of MyNIC®-S to the drinking water of hens, they produce eggs with a more balanced nutritional content. This simple and easy method was proven to be highly effective.
Read the report here

Foliar Spray

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries registration
Liquid Compound Fertilizer

A foliar spray expected to have unprecedented and surprising effects in passing minerals through the cell membrane.


Ion Cleaner

A unique cleaner combining cationic surfactants as well as Ca ions.


Restoration Agent for Salt-Damaged Soil

Properties in Ca ions can be used to restore salt-damaged soil.


Ca Ion

Innovative core technology
More about the MyNIC® series utilizing Ca ions

Introducing the MyNIC® series,
the innovative core technology that is the pride of Olive Giken Ltd.'s product planning group.

About the MyNIC® series