Reducing Agent (Antioxidant)


Reducing agent (antioxidant) used by adding a small amount to tap or well water. It works by reducing the oxygen and chlorine content that can contribute towards oxidization to produce inexpensive, high-quality water with reducing power.



"Giving MyNIC®-S to Egg-laying Hens"

By adding just a small amount of MyNIC®-S to the drinking water of hens, they produce eggs with a more balanced nutritional content. This simple and easy method was proven to be highly effective.
Read the report here

Foliar Spray

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries registration
Liquid Compound Fertilizer

A foliar spray expected to have unprecedented and surprising effects in passing minerals through the cell membrane.


Ion Cleaner

A unique cleaner combining cationic surfactants as well as Ca ions.


Restoration Agent for Salt-Damaged Soil

Properties in Ca ions can be used to restore salt-damaged soil.


Foliar Spray MyNIC®-FM

A foliar spray expected to have unprecedented and surprising effects in passing minerals through the cell membrane.

Features of MyNIC®-FM

Divalent Fe ions

Divalent Fe ions are known to easily pass through the cell membrane and penetrate into the cell, however it is easily oxidized to trivalent Fe ion. Our research successfully improved the stability of Divalent Fe ion in the solution and promoting more efficient photosynthesis. This foliar spray is expected to be more efficient than ever before.
As with MyNIC®-S, the core patent in MyNIC®-FM boasts high penetrability.

Effects of minerals contained in MyNIC®-FM

MyNIC®-FM delivers minerals to the cells, to the surprise and joy of many.

MyNIC®-FM delivers minerals to the cells,
to the surprise and joy of many.

The Ca ions in MyNIC®-FM work to improve absorbability, and the divalent Fe ions stabilized through improved technological skill are able to reach the cells directly, efficiently delivering the minerals required for growth to the plants.

We have received the positive feedback from customers for improvement in growth of crops an plants.
Strawberry growers have been happy to report that the color, flavor, and size of their products were improved.
MyNIC®-FM was also made available as a product to golf courses to aid in growing grass that is resistant to intense temperatures in summer.

"Tough Turf (MyNIC®-FM)" for grass resistant to intense summer heat! See here for the product information and test results. (PDF, Japanese)

MyNIC®-FM Overview

Purpose Foliar Spray
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries registration
Liquid Compound Fertilizer No. 104970
Mineral content Ca ions
Fe ions
Mg ions
Effects of each ion Ca ions
・ Strengthens the cell structure of plants (partly binds to pectin to form calcium pectate, which firmly holds tissue together). ・ Improves the structure of roots, leaf veins, and cilia, drawing out sweetness and improving color, enhancing the original characteristics inherent in the plants.

Fe ions
・ Divalent Fe ions are used in the formation of chloroplasts required for photosynthesis and the construction of respiratory circuits required for the plant's metabolism.
・ Divalent Fe ions are involved in nitrate reductase, which converts incorporated nitrate into nitrogen atoms. Since trivalent Fe ions particles are too large, they cannot pass through the cell membrane of plants and therefore cannot be absorbed, but divalent Fe ions when dissolved in water can pass through the cell membrane to be absorbed.

Mg ions
・ Assists in helping roots absorb and transport phosphate.
・ Are a major component of the chlorophyll essential for photosynthesis.
・ Works on enzymes to promote the production of proteins and amino acids.

How to use Dilute 1 part per 1000 in water to be sprayed on plants when required.